There have been reports from “Vanity Fair” magazine that Bill Clinton has been acting like, well, Bill Clinton. Jet-setting around the world with notorious playboy billionaires (Ron Burkle, who has a plane nicknamed “Air Fuck One,” he’s a champ for that, and Steve Bing, who didn’t pull out of Elizabeth Hurley, as no man would want to), smashing younger chicks, and doing all the things we expect the Skull-and-Bones set does in their silver years. They’re saying Bill has chicks from the Canadian Parliament (they do have a Parliament up there, right?) to Aspen to Hollywood.
Electrifying conclusion: He’s rumored to be smashing actress Gina Gershon (“Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Showgirls”). Lemme just say kudos, Bill. She looks like she knows how to…well I’m sure you feel the same way, and that’s why you’re allegedly doing what you’ve been accused of, right? I think they have their agreements between husband and wife at the level of politics/celebrity/wealth that the Clintons are at. He’s rich as fuck now from doing whatever the hell ex-Presidents do (oh yeah, they form ‘foundations’ that rake in millions upon millions to do what exactly?), he’s famous as fuck, he no longer has to run the United States, and his wife is always out campaigning. And he has the sex drive of a dark-skinned person (read below for more on that).
So the great scientist James Watson, co-discoverer of DNA, revered the world over by people of every race and creed, is saying that there is probably a genetic basis, scientific proof, that black people are less intelligent than whites. He also suggests a link between skin color and sex drive. Scientific racism has been around for a while, and we’ve all heard of people claiming that they are of a “master race” and “genetically superior," but when someone so respected co-signs this sort of thinking, it unfortunately gives it a validity that it shouldn’t have. If you want to draw your own conclusion, I think that this article, a conversation between Watson and Henry Louis Gates Jr., is a good place to start -
Get this. There’s a whole community of folks called “frugalists” (aka anti-consumerists, freegans, frugalists or Dumpster divers) who get all of their food from the garbage. Not b/c they have to, but because they like cheap shit. I know what you’re thinkin’, “But StarPower, we all like cheap shit!” Not like these people like cheap shit. Would you spend your time getting 99% of your food from the garbage, like duplex-owning, solid-job-holding, artist Rebecca? Would you live like many extreme freegans, outside of the economic norm, hitchhiking, foraging for food and eschewing regular jobs? Didn’t think so. I’m simplifying this lifestyle though; there is an amazing culture surrounding it, that really has to do with re-defining value. I strongly urge you to read about it at this link, and then think about some of your consumer habits -
What a fucking spinster, but I guess she’s playin’ her hand the best she knows how. Tatum O’Neal talkin’ about the cops “saved” her by busting her with coke. Initially she said that she was researching a role (lying cokewhore), but then said that she was upset b/c of the death of her dog (lying cokeWHORE!). I doubt this was the first time she’s done drugs in years, just the first time she’s been caught. At least she has good perspective on what jail is like:
"I slept on a mattress with a couple of ladies because I was tired. ... And I thought the thing that was cool about New York, no special treatment. No special cell. It wasn't that horrible. I think it's worse for the people that don't have a lawyer to get them out."
"I'm still sober!" the 44-year-old actress told New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser in a phone call shortly after being released from custody Monday.
"Just when I was about to change that and wreck my life, the cops came and saved me! I was saved by the bell, by the guys in the Seventh Precinct."
Wow. You're such a lying cokewhoress Tatum. Say what you want, but you’re no better than any of the many coke/crackheads I’ve known in my life. Oscar or not. Michael Jackson probably started getting surgery after he kissed you in the ‘70s (or was it the ‘80s?) to destroy any traces of physical contact with you.
Damn, I’m being mean. I take it all back.
Electrifying conclusion: I lied. Fuuuuuuck Tatum O’Neal! Nothing personal, but fuck all of the white celebs who get LOADS of publicity after getting caught with drugs. Fuck Tatum, Robert Downey Jr., and Amy Winehouse. Usually the tone the media has is “feel sympathy and pity, wish for recovery, and celebrate the triumph, if it ever happens, which we hope it does.” She knew what the fuck she was doing, she probably made it easy to get caught. Then she’ll clean up, and one of her old Studio 54 millionaire producer buddies will offer her the kind of prime role that’s scare for actresses her age. Fucking Whora the Explorer.
I would still beat.
I'm StarPower, and I approve this message.
1 comment:
When will an ex-president get the scrutiny for their foundations that folk like O.J. Mayo receive for getting a fucking TV?
I've wanted to bang Gina Gershon since Showgirls. I wanted to say that.
I have no clue who Tatum O'Neal is, or was for that matter. But I'd smash, prolly give her a mirror for the coke too. THat was mean, not taking it back though.
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