Friday, June 13, 2008

Hulk Hurtin', Overrated Angelina, & Wayne-mania

Aint no leg-dropppin' out of this one for the Hulkster. Hulk Hogan's son Nick is in jail for causing a car crash that left his good friend in a permanent vegetative state. Damn. Nick is 17; think he got 8 months. He's suffering in there, and Hulk came to lift his spirits a bit. But apparently, the conversation was made public, and the content of that convo, would be very embarassing for the 6-time WWE/6-time WCW/2-Time AWA World Heavyweight Champion. They talk about showing up to court in the "jumpsuit" instead of regular clothes for the "sympathy factor," Hulk tells Nick not to talk to his mom b/c she might show up with divorce lawyers and all that, you hear Nick sniffling crying sayin he'd "do anything to get out of this room," Nick and Hulk talkin' about "God laying some heavy shit on the kid" who is now a vegetable b/c he was so negative, discussing doing a reality show when he gets out and doing it "where he'll make the most money," even coming up with the title and pitch. Here's one of the Youtube clips:

Electrifying conclusion: Hulk was on Larry King saying that he was just telling Nick anything to get him through his situation. I actually feel that. Although no one deserves what his friend is going through now, being in a vegetative state, maybe he was a real fucked up person. Doesn't mean God crashed the car he was in b/c of it. From what I hear, Hulk was real fucked up during his wrestling career, keeping other wrestlers down and screwing people over for money; you could make the argument that God's paying him back right now, especially since he always wore a cross and was supposedly a Christian. The family's in shambles with Brooke accusing Hulk of smashing her friend (really her 34-year old assistant, and Hulk admits to beating it), and Linda Hogan is out and about with a 19-year old former classmate of Nick and Brookes!

Angelina Jolie is the kind of celebrity that people fawn over so much, and tries so hard to not show that she thinks she's as cool as everyone else does, that she eventually becomes boring. And overrated. I've been tired of every girl saying "if I did screw a girl, it would be Angelina Jolie, I think she's hot." Shut the fuck up. Yeah, she's hot, but you're no hotter for admitting that you've thought about screwing a girl, and that it would be Angelina. It only makes sense that it would be Angelina. Furthermore, I don't believe you; if you wanna prove to me that you'd screw another girl, you gotta do it in front of me. Not 'cause I like that kinda thing, but strictly b/c I think it's wrong for you to be going around pretending to have lesbian tendencies when there are real lesbians with lesbian tendencies walking around. You're just taking attention away from them, and giving girl-on-girl action a bad name.

Electrifying conclusion: First off, she never really makes any dope movies. There I said it. How many classics is she in? Joints that folks can quote and instantly name when they talk about kick-ass flicks? None. Plus, she has 6 kids, has made Brad Pitt into a home-plenty, and she kissed her brother passionately in front of cameras. Ewww. I mean, we get it, you guys are richer, beautifuller, more talented, and more ethical than we are. And way more annoying. And Brad, who has an awesome track record, stopped making kick-ass films once he got with her. The last one was "Ocean's Twelve," ("Thirteen" wasn't a good film, so much as it was Brad and George posturing, but in a cool way, for 2 hours). I don't count "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" b/c it just reminds me of the birth of yet another conjoined celebrity couple (you know, Brangelina, Bennifer, Jayonce, etc.). Fuck "Babel," too high-brow of a title for me to even consider watching it. Actually, Brad made almost all of his kick-ass films in the 1990 - 2000 - "Kalifornia," "True Romance," "Interview With The Vampire," "Se7en," "Fight Club," "Snatch," all that. Beyond "Girl Interrupted," "Original Sin," and "Gia," ("Taking Lives" was i-ight too) Angelina's films have kicked very little ass, but I guess those unique lips (which she only shares with about a couple billion black and latina chicks) and faux-sultry looks she gives with her eyes are enough to captivate and mesmerize the public.

Slow down Weezy, you're killin' em! According to, Li'l Wayne is entering very rare territory for a rapper. We're talkin' about another (fifth) week at #1 for "Lollipop," SEVEN songs as a lead or guest artist on the Top 100, and projected sales of 900,000 for his first week. This may be the most impressive campaign in hip-hop history, rivaled only by Eminem who went over 1 million in a week 2x. Yes, Kanye did 960,000 last year his first week, but that was due to a gimmicky rivalry with 50 Cent. Em did his numbers at a time when Backstreet Boys, N Sync, and Britney were becoming the first artists to do a million in the first week (Garth Brooks was actually first in 1998). That list is still very exclusive, adding folks like Usher, Limp Bizkit, Norah Jones, and 50.

Electrifying conclusion: He may not set a record, but for Weezy to do what he's doing in this horrible climate for selling records, when 300,000 is a huge success, is super-impressive, especially since it's a hip-hop album, and rap has taken the biggest hit. It also goes to show how popular rap is. The last 3 mega-selling first weeks have been for rap albums. That reflects youth from all walks of life buying these records. No other form of music generates the same excitement, and Wayne is the beneficiary of a perfect storm of circumstances.

Make sure you don't miss this FREE Show/BBQ/Awesomefest - I, StarPower, aka The Dguout Power Hitter, got some new songs and The Dugout and Friends got the hottest first day of summer event, for the people. We wanna see ALL OF YOU! Peace.

I'm StarPower, and I approve this message.

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